Everything You Need To Know About The Museum of The African Diaspora | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩

Everything You Need To Know About The Museum of The African Diaspora

For visitors to San Francisco, the Museum of the African Diaspora is a must-see.

自2005年开业以来, the museum has celebrated the universal connection of all people through their association with Africa, 人类的摇篮. 作为博物馆的设计师之一, Sussman/Prejza的黛博拉·萨斯曼, 把它, “MoAD本质上是一个讲故事的地方. It’s about people 和ir experiences, rather than a collection of artifacts.”


The museum has expanded on the original story of the diaspora to focus on artists from various diasporas, 无论是非裔古巴人, 亚非国家的, 加勒比黑人, 或非裔美国人. 自成立以来, four themes have guided MoAD on its mission to help tell the story of the African diaspora:

  • 起源-着眼于当代社会的非洲根源, artistic and cultural forms of expression and practices that define the modern diaspora.
  • 运动-追踪社会, cultural and artistic threads of the diaspora through various forms of art.
  • Adaptation - Exploring the variety of ways adaptation occurs through creative reinvention, 创新, 文化弹性.
  • Transformation - Looking at how individuals of African descent have forged new identities, 确定他们的位置, 并在新的社区和社会中留下了自己的印记.

It tackles one of the most fundamental questions we human beings consider as we ponder our origins: “When did you discover you were African?”


每年都会在MoAD举办一系列新的展览, 博物馆总是呈现一种新的体验, 即使是博物馆的常客. Their exhibitions aim to represent work that may be under-represented in other U.S. 博物馆. This global intention yields exhibitions that include artists from the Middle East and Africa, 以及那些可能处于职业生涯早期阶段的艺术家.

根据Mark Sabb的说法, MoAD的营销和传播总监, many of the artists whose work is exhibited at the museum are still living, 他们经常参加博物馆的预展和特别活动. This accessibility to the artists offers an opportunity that is rare in most institutions. Be sure to check out the Emerging Artists Gallery which supports MoAD's initiative to foster San Francisco Bay Area artists.


全年,MoAD都是一个活跃的社区日历. 它是纪念Dr. 马丁·路德·金. 每年一月以及二月份持续的黑人历史月活动. 博物馆还提供许多讲习班, 系列电影, 小组讨论和活跃的厨师驻场节目.



当你接近MoAD时, look up at the “jewel box” glass façade and into the face of a child that shimmers on the surface. 根据一张由 纽约时报的 小切斯特·希金斯. the three-story mural is, in fact, more than the face of a child; it is the face of many. 这幅壁画由两幅画组成,散居海外的人们提交的100张照片, 在8 × 8英寸的正方形上复制.


The 一楼画廊 always has an exhibition installed and is located on the corridor which connects MoAD to The St Regis Hotel. Recent installations have included an exhibition of photographs by David Adjaye, the lead designer of the National Museum of African American History and 文化 in Washington, D.C.还有一个是献给吉米·亨德里克斯的. Access to this area is free and gives visitors an intro to what the museum is all about.


在这个昏暗的剧院里,没有投影. 坐在长凳上, listeners hear narratives by men and women of African descent — including noted author Maya Angelou, who provides an introduction to the nine individuals whose stories are told here. 包括玛丽·普林斯, the first black British woman to publish a record of her experiences; and Francis Bok, 的作者 逃离奴隶制, who was kidnapped and enslaved during an Arab militia raid on his village at the age of seven.


This exhibit captures original narratives about people of African descent. 在第一批帖子中,有一篇关于摄影师Jack T. 富兰克林关于爵士传奇的作品和照片. The latest collection (Volume 5) is an effort to preserve the stories of early African American pioneers in San Francisco's 海景区的 neighborhood and pass on the legacy of self-determination to a new generation.


MoAD位于St. 里吉斯酒店,距离酒店仅几步之遥 贝博体彩app现代艺术博物馆,莫斯康中心,芳草地艺术中心,博士. 马丁·路德·金. 纪念馆和其他几个博物馆,包括 美国装订商博物馆加州历史学会儿童创意馆 和 当代犹太博物馆.

附近的餐厅包括 琥珀色的印度, situated at the entrance of Yerba Buena Lane; and 阿斯特拉, which offers exquisite American dishes inspired by California’s freshest seasonal ingredients. There are also a number of restaurants located along Howard Street, including 跟踪,位于贝博体彩appW区 他们以对中国传统菜肴的现代诠释而闻名.





周三至周六上午11点开放.m.-6 p.m.; Sunday, noon-5 p.m. 周一至周二及主要节假日休息.


  • 成人:10美元
  • 老年人、学生和教育工作者:5美元
  • 12岁以下儿童:免费
  • 现役军人:免费


Muni Metro或BART to the Montgomery Street station, which is a few blocks from MoAD.


MoAD完全可以通过轮椅进入. 电梯提供各层之间的通道. A wheelchair may be borrowed during the visit (subject to availability).


可容纳10至30人的团体. 旅游 last one hour and can be scheduled Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. 第一次参观上午11点开始.m. 最晚的下午4点开始.m. 团体优惠.




The MoAD Marketplace features small gift items from countries considered part of the African diaspora and includes jewelry, 小毛绒玩具, 书, 和音乐. 咖啡爱好者也可以购买红湾咖啡, a popular “third-wave” roast which includes beans from Tanzania’s Sweet Unity Farms which was started by David Robinson, 著名棒球选手的儿子, 杰基·罗宾森.


布伦达·塔克 is the Director of 艺术 Marketing at San Francisco Travel. 自1998年以来,她一直住在贝博体彩app, 她开车穿过乡村来到一户人家,没人见她. 布伦达全年都喜欢户外游泳, 受到伦敦金融城令人难以置信的艺术场景的启发, 住在世界上最好的地方.